History of Logic Foam

History of Logic Foam

Spray foam insulation benefits the home-owner in a number of ways, but where did it come from? LogicFoam was founded to commercialize low density spray foam for the construction sector. LogicFoam’s core innovative product was a low density, chemically free blown spray which expands up to 100x its size to create a secure insulation envelope for your property.

It was established in 1986 and since then over 300,000 installs have taken place in over 30 countries. It has been extensively tested for its insulation benefits which include air barrier performance, product stability and product safety. LogicFoam has gone on to expand its product line to include a range of medium density, as well as innovative low density, spray foams.

Spray foam insulation benefits you by saving you money and improving your EPC rating, if you are looking to sell in the future homes with a higher EPC rating are more likely to sell. Smarter energy management equals greater property investment potential; it really is that simple!



Spray Foam